Germany investigating imam who urged God to ‘destroy the Zionist Jews’

The German authorities are investigating an imam in Berlin who gave a
weekend sermon urging God to kill the Jews


The Berlin police also announced a ban on antis emitic slogans at
demonstrations against Israel’s military incursion in the Gaza Strip.


In a sermon at Berlin’s Al-Nur Mosque on Friday, Sheikh Abu Bilal Ismail
said Gaza is currently facing the world’s “strongest war machine,” behind which
stands “those Jewish Zionist criminals, murderers of the prophets, who shed
blood, kill children, turn wives into widows, demolish houses with their
inhabitants inside and are assaulting Gaza with all their might.”


He urged God “to destroy the Zionist Jews … to kill every last one of
them and not have pity on any of them … Shake the ground under their feet, make
them suffer.” He also said Jews “act like sole rulers of the entire world and
disseminate corruption.”


The mosque is located in Neukolln, a Berlin neighborhood where many Arab
immigrants live that is also very popular among Israelis visiting or living in
the city.

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