UK antisemitism: current situation

correlation between Middle East conflict and antisemitism against Jewish
Diaspora communities is well known. It is one of the primary reasons for the
work of CST, and the partnerships that we have (out of necessity) with
Jewish communities, Police, Government, politicians and good people of all
faiths and none.


of noon today, approximately 47 antisemitic incidents have been reported to CST
in the two weeks since 1st July. This compares with 58
incidents for all of July 2013, which was the second worst month for incidents
in all of last year. In very basic terms, this month’s antisemitic incident
levels are almost double what would have been expected.


of the 47 incidents are yet to be fully analysed and the figures may yet show
slight change, but around 30 of them appear to be directly attributable to the
current conflict: because of the verbal or written component, or other
indicators. Only three of the 47 incidents include actual violent assault.
(Two of these are the can and egg throwing incidents shown below. The
other may or may not be overseas-linked and is not currently in the 30

the 30 incidents apparently related to the conflict, the overwhelming majority
involve verbal or written abuse and threats, either face to face, or in phone
calls, graffiti, emails and online (usually via social media). The incidents
have occurred throughout the country.


is especially concerned by incidents in which people attending pro-Palestinian
demonstrations have turned antisemitic.


Manchester on 12 July, after a pro-Palestinian rally that
included a “Drive for Justice” to the BBC, a group of four of five cars
with occupants of south Asian ethnic appearance passed through the Jewish
neighbourhood of Broughton Park. Some of the cars flew Palestinian flags, and
occupants shouted and swore at Jewish pedestrians (including “Heil Hitler”).
Cans and eggs were thrown at Jewish pedestrians from at least two of the cars.
Similarly, that same day in Glasgow on the fringes of a demonstration, a
man of south Asian appearance was heard shouting “f**king kill the Jews”. CST
has made police aware of all these incidents.


witnessed the largest pro-Palestinian rally, on 11 July. Demonstrators included
veteran far right activist James Thring, photographed below, determinedly
making the Israel-Holocaust link.


Holocaust theme continued on Twitter, where the hash tag “#Hitlerwasright” was trending, perhaps partly
due to people objecting to its use. CST has been informed by members of the
public that the Hitler theme and imagery can also be currently seen in
Facebook comment chains for forthcoming pro-Palestinian demonstrations,
organised by groups such as Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War
Coalition and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

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