Antisemitic attack on 15-year-old boy

Paris – French police are looking into reports that a gang of youths tasered a Jewish teenager in central Paris.

The National Bureau for Vigilance Against Antisemitism, or BNVCA, said it had contacted police based on reports in the French Jewish media of the alleged assault, which according to the news site occurred Tuesday at the iconic Place de La Republique square.


According to the report, a group of six black teenagers used an electric taser on a Jewish boy identified by only by his first name, Raphael. He was wearing a kippah and tzitzit and was attacked for his Jewish appearance in an apparent anti-Semitic assault, Alliancefr reported.


A passer-by intervened and the gang left the scene before police could apprehend them, according to the news website. One of the gang members was armed with a club.

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