Antisemitic slogans smeared on vehicle

Mülheim, Cologne – On Saturday
morning a pub owner in Mülheim
arrived in his vehicle at the police forensic department in Clevischen Ring
because of swastikas and Nazi slogans such as “Jewish pig” that had been painted
on his vehicle. Unknown persons had broken into the court of the house at night
and sprayed the vehicle that was parked there.


owner of the “LIMES COLOGNE” pub is certain that the attack was carried out by
the far right people. The place itself had already been
several times in the past the target of similar attacks that ranged between
affixing posters and stickers of extreme right groups, telephone conversations
with threats against the pub owner and spraying the building with far-right
slogans. In addition, there was damage done to property, says the pub owner.
“The fact that these acts are carried out now against private property is
shocking, and in our opinion, unacceptable” said the owner, who is a father of
two. He calls upon the police and the department for defense of the
constitution to arrest the culprits and to classify the act as “an act
attributed to the neo-Nazi faction in Cologne.”

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