Palestinians attack Israeli

Berlin – A group of six Palestinian youths punched an Israeli in the face on Friday in Berlin after they questioned him about citizenship. 


The 31-year-old Israeli filed a criminal complaint, according to the daily BZ newspaper. The paper titled its article ”Antisemitism: Punched in the face because he is Israeli.”


The BZ reported that the Israeli left his apartment with his wife and was confronted by a group of six young men. The youths surrounded the man and his wife, and struck his face. His wife was not injured. According to the report, the youths insulted him.


The Israeli told police that the same group of youths asked him about his nationality earlier in the day in front of his building. He replied that he is Israeli. The youths told him in Arabic that they are Palestinians and they made derogatory remarks about the Jewish state.


An ambulance took the Israeli to a hospital for care for his facial injuries. The police are investigating the attack.

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