New Jersey print shop owner boots publisher of antisemitic hate magazine

A New Jersey print shop owner sent a customer packing last month after
the would-be client submitted files for an antisemitic hate magazine for
printing, The Algemeiner has learned.


It was “absolute incendiary crap,” said Kevin B. Sanders, owner of The
Office in Hoboken, in an exclusive interview. “I paged through it again to be
sure, because I couldn’t believe what I was looking at.”


The pages were “filled with hate, directed mainly at Jews and Zionism,”
the shop owner said. There was also “a healthy helping of hatred towards the
President as well, and with a front cover blaming the Mossad for 9/11.”


Sanders said he “then asked the guy to leave my store and told him
forcefully that I would not be printing it.”


The store’s co-owner Ken Kurson, editor-in-chief of the New York
Observer, was even more forthright in his description of the incident.


“Kevin saw the despicable
Jew-hating trash it contained and told the tattooed thug ‘Get the fuck out of
my shop and don’t come back,’” Kurson, who has been friends with Sanders since
childhood, said in a Facebook post about the affair.


Sanders said all seemed normal with the customer until a member of his
staff brought the publication to his attention.


 “Details were hammered out: size
and quality, folding, stapling, how many colors, number of copies, etc., and
price was agreed upon,” he said. “Next, he provided us with a file of the pages
we would be preparing and printing. My art director took a look at the file and
immediately brought it to my attention. A quick glance told me more than I
needed to know.”


 “I knew why he had come to me,”
Sanders said of the customer. “The large chain-store printing operations would
have turned it down too. I guess he thought he had a ally in a store run by the
little guy, but he wasn’t counting on me being Jewish. Or he just wasn’t too


 “I have no idea if he succeeded
in printing his little ‘zine,’” Sanders added. “But I never heard from him


Kurson said he couldn’t have been more proud of his friend.


 “Our whole life together, I’ve
seen people not get what a proud Jew Kevin is. Because he doesn’t ‘look Jewish’
and his name is not ‘Jewish sounding’ plus all the other stuff… people don’t
get how deeply committed to Jewish values he is,” he wrote.


The Observer’s top journalist described the incident as a “heroic
kiddish Hashem, one of the greatest acts of courage and righteousness I’ve ever


“My whole family was
electrified and I can’t wait to tell his kids the story when they’re old
enough,” he said.

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