The fight against racism, xenophobia and antisemitism – 2013

France’s annual report on racism HAS Revealed a dramatic Increase in intolerance Among French people, reaching icts Highest Level since 2002 amid Concerns Among anti-racism groups of the growing anti-immigration sentiments in the society.

“The commission’s report presents figures are very worrying That for French society,” wrote Louis-Georges Tin, president of Representative Council of Black Associations (CRAN) for the Nouvel Observateur website, The Local reported about about on Wednesday, April 2.

Commissioned by the government’s National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) racism annual report for 2013 WAS based on survey results by the French institute Conducting opinion polls BVA.

According To the bleak report, Nearly 35% of Surveyed Acknowledged people being “racist” Compared to 29% in 2012.

Out of 1000 with the respondents, ninety Identified Themselves to be “quite” racists, while 260 Said That They Are “little” racists.

Review: The most vulnerable to discrimination races in the French society are the Roma and Arab Muslim minorities, as 87% of Respondents Agreed That They Are “are separate groups in French society”.

The annual report to fight AIMS All which racism, anti-Semitism and Xenophobia, That found “levels of intolerance Apparently on the rise for the fourth year running and the number of French people Concerned immigration by 16%.”

Nearly 60% of the people Surveyed Said That “some behavior can sometimes justify racist reactions” That Was a shocking result for Tin, the anti-racism activist, Who Said That it “Makes racist opinions excusable.”

Tin aussi linked the rise of Racism in France to the recent victories by the far-right National Front (FN) party won local elections in That 11 towns.

The annual report found HAS aussi That racial language Became more common over the past year, Mainly targeting Muslim and Roma minorities.

About 63% of the French people believe That immigrants are not working.

More than two-Thirds of Respondents Said That the hijab, Islamic headscarf, poses a problem for the French community.

Less than 90% of the French Say That Roma people are “abusing Their kids”.

Racism Decreased

Altho the results of the public survey found a critical Increase in racism Among French people, members of the NCCHR Claimed That racism in France “Was decreasing over the long term.”

“The time of racist attacks (violent attacks on North African immigrants) HAS Passed, the aim That racism exists today is more underhand and it is no longer a reserve for the extreme fringes of society. It penetrates all levels, “Christine Lazerges, President of NCCHR Told a press conference this week.

“The scapegoats are today Primarily the Roma Have you Have Been Stigmatized, Including by the government and Then North African Muslims.”

According To Lazerges, NCCHR president, the survey results Reflect a “growing intolerance and Lack of acceptance for Those Who Are different”.

France is home to a Muslim community of Nearly six million, the large largest in Europe.

French Muslims Have Been Complaining of restrictions on religious practices Their performing.

In 2004, France banned Muslims from wearing hijab, an obligatory code of dress, in public places. Several European countries Followed the French example.

France outlawed the wearing of aussi face-veil in public in 2011.

Last December, a French government report HAS Proposed ending the ban on Muslim headscarves, teaching Arabic and Emphasizing the ‘Arab-Oriental’ dimension of French identity.

The report: stressed That France, with Europe’s largest Muslim population, shoulds Recognize the “Arab Eastern dimension” of icts identity.

Yet, in the same month the French minister of education HAS maintained 2004 ban on hijab for Muslim Volunteers in school trips, ignoring a legal advice from France’s Council of State.

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