Neo Nazis caused injuries of at least 561 people in 2013

to information of the Tagesspiegel, last year too, people of the Extreme Right
committed a large number of crimes. The statistics list more than 11,000
offenses and 11 arrest warrants.

to preliminary data,
the police in Germany registered 11,761 offenses of
extreme right nature, 574 of them violent assaults. 561 people were injured.
The police interrogated 5,631 suspects and 126 were arrested. Only 11
indictments were issued.


numbers are obtained from an announcement delivered by the government in
response to the monthly question presented by the Bundestag’s Vice President,
Petra Rau (the Left party).


the figures for the month of December are already available, one can get a
preliminary yearly picture. The number of crimes with far right motives will
probably rise significantly, since the police have not yet recorded all the
incidents. Thus, the number of offenses obtained from the government monthly
replies in 2012 was 11,660 and with the addition of incidents reported later by
the police, this figure increased to 17,134.


the government’s preliminary data in response to the question submitted by Rau
it emerges that the police last year verified 788 criminal incidents with
antisemitic motives. 32 of the offenses were bodily injuries and the others –  violent incidents.
Most of the crimes against Jews and Jewish institutions were carried out by
people of the extreme right circles. The government mentions about 753 cases,
among them 29 violent incidents. Far behind are foreign citizens, who carried
out 16 offenses, 3 of them violent acts. Only one incident was attributed by
the police to the far left. In other 18 incidents, the political affiliation of
the perpetrators could not be determined.

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