New York senate passes anti boycott bill

The New York state Senate passed a bill this week that would prevent universities
from allowing funds to be spent on ASA activities.
The legislation came in
response to the American Studies Association (ASA) passing a resolution calling
for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions.


The bill still needs to be signed into law by the governor, but if it
is, New York universities and colleges will be prohibited from funding
organizations, such as the ASA, that “have undertaken an official action
boycotting certain countries or their higher education institutions,” according
to the legislation.


The bill, sponsored by Senate Co-Leader Senator Jeff Klein, passed by a
vote of 56-4.


“This legislation sends a very
simple message, which is that we should never ask taxpayers to support
religious, ethnic or racial discrimination,” Klein’s office said in a release.
“I will not allow the enemies of Israel or the Jewish people to gain an inch in
New York.”


In practice, Senator Klein’s legislation will immediately prevent
colleges and universities from using state aid for to pay for membership fees
to organizations like the ASA or to reimburse state employee for travel and
lodging expenses associated with ASA events.


Senators Montgomery, Perkins, Rivera and Sanders voted against the bill.

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