Hebrew teacher assaulted in antisemitic attack

Kiev – A
Hebrew teacher in Kiev was assaulted in what Jewish community representatives
described as a rare and violent antisemitic attack.

men ambushed the Israel-born teacher, Hillel Wertheimer, on Saturday night at
his apartment building after following him home from synagogue services,
according to Joseph Zissels, chairman of the Vaad Association of Jewish
Organizations and Communities of Ukraine and a vice president of the World
Jewish Congress.


told JTA on Tuesday that three of the four men then punched and kicked
Wertheimer in the vestibule of his home. Wertheimer was not severely hurt
because the assailants were interrupted by a neighbor who came down to
investigate after hearing Wertheimer shout for help, Zissels said.


filed a police complaint Monday. The assailants have not been identified.


said he believes the assault was antisemitic because the attackers did not ask
for money and appeared to have selected their target at the synagogue.

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