Suspicious fire overnight at back door of a synagogue

Hutchison, Montréal – The fire department were able to douse a
fire that engulfed the back door of the Bobov Shul on Hutchison early this
morning, in what is the second suspicious fire in two weeks targeting an
orthodox Synagogue in Montreal.


Early Wednesday morning, a neighbour of the Beis Midrash Shaarei Dovid
d’Chassidei Bobov Shul noticed flames behind the building and called 911. The
fire department quickly arrived at the Shul and were able to put out the fire.
A quick investigation by the firemen found no trace of accelerant, and there
has been no explanation as to how it was started. Firemen ruled out the
possibility of the fire starting from a cigarette.


Police arrived in the early afternoon to take a report and open an
investigation. There was no indication whether the fire was connected in any
way to a similar attempted fire that took
place two weeks ago
at one of the back doors of the Kollel Kesser Torah,
where a bag of burned Shmattes was found in the snow.


Police will be investigating whether the incidents are related, and we
encourage people to keep a close eye on Montreal’s Synagogues and report anyone
or anything suspicious to the proper authorities.

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