Morocco considers antisemitic law

Rabat – Morocco’s parliament may consider legislation that would ban Moroccan citizens from having any contact with Israelis. If passed, those engaging in economic, political, cultural, or any dealings with Israeli citizens or residents could lose their passport, face five years in jail or a EUR 100,000 fine.


The controversial bill, entitled ‘Criminalising Normalisation with the Israeli Entity’, was proposed by five Moroccan political parties with seats in the House of Representatives, including the Prime Minister’s party. Between them the five parties hold more than 70 per cent of the seats in parliament.


Human rights groups have attacked the proposals from Moroccan lawmakers as ‘influenced by Nazi tendencies’, in addition to being ‘inhuman, anti-constitutional and anti-democratic.’ However, with King Mohammed VI holding considerable sway, there are hopes the anti-Semitic proposal will be dismissed.

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