Jewish rabbi complains of antisemitic hostility towards members of the Jewish community

San Jose – A Jewish citizen, who has been staying in town for a few weeks, was a victim of antisemitic attacks by several people.


The man noted that he has been travelling to San Jose regularly for 18 years in order to participate in kosher butchering of animals whose flesh is exported to Israel, and up to this time he has never been attacked. The rabbi said that on several occasions people passing by him or by other members of the Jewish community made the Nazi salute. He further noted that on the eve of “All Saints Night” a young man who was riding a motorcycle across from the house where he was staying shouted “Hitler”.


The rabbi further added that a number of Jews had been assaulted with stones and curses, and asked to report these incidents to the San Jose Mayor, Jose Falero.


From the municipal offices they told the newspaper “El Observador” (the Observer) that the mayor had heard about the incidents from the media, and at that moment he was trying to establish contact with the rabbi. It was further said by the same source, that Mr. Falero was “worried” because of the situation, since attacks of this type had never been recorded in the confines of his city.

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