The Council of Europe sees a rise of extremism as a result of the crisis

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI, its acronym in English) warned of rising extremist ideologies as a result of financial instability, and found that the crisis has increased the search for “scapegoats.”


The report annual activity report, ECRI, dependent mechanism Europ Council a, indicated that there has been “an escalation of racist violence and hate speech against vulnerable groups,” particularly against Gypsies and Muslims. xenophobic parties, as the summary, get increasingly popular, and it is possible to draw a parallel between the increased use of the Internet by those formations and rising racist violence. That entity echoes the racism problem that occurs in sports, particularly in football , the “most affected by it”, and that makes you ask federations, clubs and associations followers the development of a “code of conduct” to cope.


ECRI, focused on the fight against racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance, also said “extremely concerned” about right-wing extremism and the anti-Muslim and antisemitic movements s, and called on European countries to assume their “multicultural identity.” The report, which does not dwell on the situation of each of the 47 states of the Council of Europe, but offers general their conclusions about the past year on enhanced alert of hate speech on the Internet, and the “veneration persistent fascist symbols and ideologies.” “These public demonstrations threaten to fuel racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance,” the text, especially focusing on intolerance “pervasive” to the Gypsy.


Fear of Islam ” manipulated ” ECRI also considers that the fear of Islam is still” fed and manipulated “and asks in this situation a discussion” regular and constructive ” between the authorities of each country and representatives of that community. However, should not cross as a “violation” religious defamation, because that measure, in his opinion, “is contrary to freedom of expression and could lead to more serious violence against religious minorities.”

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