The Onion slams Washington Redskins owner with antisemitic slurs

Washington – Last week, the Anti-Defamation League joined a number of groups and politicians urging the Washington Redskins to change their team’s name, already.


Here’s another Jewish wrinkle: The Onion posted an article on Monday that uses two anti-Jewish slurs (one twice) and two adjectival stereotypes to describe Redskins owner Dan Snyder and skewer his insistence that his team’s name is respectful of Native Americans. (There is a precedent for roping antisemitism into a Redskins controversy, Snyder himself claimed in 2011 that a childish caricature of him in a local paper was antisemitic.)


Dan SnyderThe article, called “Redskins’ Kike Owner Refuses To Change Team’s Offensive Name,” calls Snyder a “hook-nosed kike” and a “shifty-eyed hebe,” among other things.


One Jewish Twittter user asked her friends to weigh in on whether the Onion crossed a line.

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