Hasidic men attacked

Medzhybizh – Hasidic young men were attacked Friday night on a street near the Baal Shem Tov grave (“Ohel”) in Medzhybizh.


One of the attacked men told “BeHadrey Haredim” (Jewish Ultra-Orthodox portal) that when the prayer ended, right after they exited the memorial site, they met a group of seven local youngsters who started cursing them.


“It looked like they were drunk; they cursed us and spat at us. At a certain point we tried to bypass them and continue towards our lodging place. So then they attacked us physically. My glasses were broken when I was hit with a fist to the face, and two pairs of glasses of my friends were broken as well. I myself, thank God, was not hurt, but two other guys were wounded and they suffer bruises and cuts as a result of the attack.”


The site’s guard, who heard the commotion, was quick to summon the local police and the attackers fled. The local police have opened an investigation. “The policemen promised to take care of them” said the attacked man. “They told us that they would be held accountable for the attack.”

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