Facebook under fire for allowing hate speech against Jews to proliferate online

Facebook, Inc. came under fire on Tuesday for allowing hate speech against Jews to proliferate in its online community.


The Zionist Organization of America issued a statement calling for Facebook “to enforce its own guidelines on ‘Community Standards’ and shut down several antisemitic hate sites that clearly violate Facebook’s own guidelines.”


Facebook’s Community Standards page prohibits hate speech, which it defines as “attack[ing] others based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition.”


Mort Klein, ZOA National President said, “Facebook hosts a number of viciously anti-Semitic sites, like ‘The Untold Story,’ a Sweden-based anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying site run by a group called the European Knights Project and partnered with the Institute of Historical Review, one of the leading international purveyors of Holocaust denial. A report in the Algemeiner Journal notes that the site ‘offers all of the anti-Semitic greatest hits: Jews control America and want to control the world; the Holocaust never happened; Jews exploit the Holocaust myth for money; the Allies did far worse to the Germans, Japanese, and Japanese-Americans than the Nazis did to the Jews; Hitler was a great guy who was just standing up for Christian civilization; Communism is a Jewish tool; Israel is the source of all evil in the world; 9/11 was a Mossad job; etc.’”


Klein said, “Facebook has permitted various toxic hate sites to proliferate on Facebook, but has also taken down a number of them, following protests. We are puzzled and outraged at Facebook’s bland response to notification of new hate sites and its evident unwillingness to enforce its own guidelines regarding such material. Failure by Facebook to act will send the message that Facebook lacks the will to enforce its own standards on the content it permits. This will be a disaster that will encourage more extremists, racists and antisemites to organize violent campaigns on Facebook. We urge Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg: close the ‘Third Intifada’ page by closing new hate sites as they emerge.”

Remove Hate From FB compiled a list of some 1,200 pages that it considers in breach of Facebook’s ‘Community Standards’ guidelines. The list includes The Untold History, I do hate ISREAL!Hate Israel, I Hate GEO (Jew) NewsI Hate IsraelHates ZionismI Hate Israel FaceB, I Hate America Israel-IndiaWe Hate IsraelI Hate Isarel.We Hate AMERICA And IsraelWe All Hate Israeelrsam mogremAnti-Zionism, i-hate-israelwe hate IsraelWe Hate IsraelHitler2016Don’t you hate it when a Jew hides all your stuff in his beard :/ xI hate when Jew invite yourself to Shit,Ihateisrael100Hate Israel, and killing2013.

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