2011 Antisemitism report in Scotland

There has been an increase in the number of recorded religious aggravation charges in 2011-12 compared with previous years. For this report, 876 charges with a religious aggravation reported in 2011-12 were analysed, compared with 693 charges in 2010-11. This is an increase of 26%. As COPFS have suggested, this increase may be partly due to increased awareness, reporting and recording of these crimes, following several incidents which received media attention during 2011-12.

A substantial proportion (40%) of all charges were in Glasgow, 93% of the accused were male and 58% were between the ages of 16 and 30. Fiftyseven percent of all charges were reported by the police as being alcohol related. Glasgow was one of the four local authority areas where there was a reduction in the number of aggravations compared to the previous year. The data analysed in this report did not however allow for further explanations of regional differences.

Although the number of football-related charges rose in the last year by 16% (from 231 to 267) the proportion went down from 33% to 31% of charges. The number of charges occurring in football stadiums also decreased from 90 (13%) to 67 (8%). This reduction in charges may in part be explained by the increased focus on football-policing and supporter conduct through the work of the Joint Action Group on Football, established in 2011.

Police officers were the most common target of religiously aggravated offending, in over half (51%) of all charges. The occasions when religious abuse targeted people within the ‘general community’ and not a particular individual, represented 30% of all charges, a proportional reduction since 2010-11.

There has been a slight rise since 2010-11 in the use of custody for religiously aggravated offences. The figures show that 43% of charges resulted in fines in 11-12 (42% in 10-11), 22% community penalty in 11-12 (25% in 10-11), 20% custody in 11-12 (18% in 10-11) and 14.9% ‘other’ in 11-12, which is exactly the same as 10-11.

Although this research provides insight into the nature of religious offending and will enable comparisons for analysis of trends in future years, there are, as noted in chapter 3 of this report, a number of qualifications for the understanding of this information which means that this report presents only a partial view of the nature of religiously motivated offending in Scotland. To understand changes in the number of charges with a religious aggravation,there is a need to know more about the enforcement strategies of the police.

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