Bar Refaeli to BDS supporter Roger Waters: Don’t use my picture

Supermodel Bar Refaeli on Wednesday called for British rocker and vocal Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activist Roger Waters to remove a photograph of her used during the former Pink Floyd front man’s performances.


Refaeli demanded Waters not use her image if he is promoting a cultural boycott on her home country.


Her reprisal came after the rock legend published an open letter earlier in the week calling on his colleagues to join such a boycott. 


The blonde beauty posted in Hebrew on her Twitter (@BarRefaeli): “Roger Waters, you should remove my picture from the video art at your concerts. If you’re boycotting – then go all the way.”


“I write to you now, my brothers and sisters in the family of Rock and Roll, to ask you to join with me, and thousands of other artists around the world, to declare a cultural boycott on Israel,” Waters wrote in the letter condemning Israel for what he claimed was apartheid and ethnic cleansing.

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