Swastikas and Star of David painted on doors of village barns

Saint-Proest-sous-Aixe – for the last few days the doors of two barns located in a place called “Les Bouchats” in the Saint-Proest-sous-Aixe district have been adorned with symbols that have a strong significance…

These are Swastikas and Star of David that were discovered on the doors of the two barns in the small village. According to testimony collected on location, it seems they were daubed during the night, probably last week.


The policemen in Aixe-sur-Vienne, who were notified of the matter immediately, have made initial observations in the site, after the village residents discovered the drawings.


Now the motives for this type of graffiti need to be determined. Was it an isolated action? A bad joke? A neighbors’ dispute?


In any case, the residents of this small, peaceful village will have to contend with this story and the owners of the barns may have to appear before the court.

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