Racist book by extreme rightist was probably written using the prison computer

Brandenburg an der Havel – a legal scandal surrounding extreme rightist Horst Mahler, who is now serving a long sentence in the Brandenburg/Havel prison, has developed in Brandenburg. It seems that the neo-Nazi, who is serving a long prison term for racial incitement, has managed to work uninterrupted for many months on a new polemic manuscript. For the circulation of the new book, which contains 235 pages of racial incitement (“The end of wandering”), he even used the prison computer for a period of time.


Only after the book appeared in the spring on the internet, did the prosecution in Cottbus intervene and ordered a search of Mahler’s cell. When the matter was made public at the beginning of June, the talk at first within the legal circles was only about a “work”.


In the book by the neo-Nazi ideologue, who had already been convicted several times in the past, there are 269 footnotes and it contains this time also a blatant antisemitic text: “The concept of national socialism is the means to escape the “Judaized” world.” “Cleansed from the Jewish lies the German national soul could glow with a new brightness.”


The prosecution in Cottbus opened a new investigation against the 77-year-old man. Mahler’s reaction could not be obtained on Friday. Dieter Graumann, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, was shocked by the case. “If the claims are true, it is inconceivable that an infamous nationalistic provocateur succeeds in writing such a book under the legal system’s watchful eyes.”

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