Antisemitic hate messages

Zakopane – the messages appeared in 15 locations on the final segment of the most popular road at the Oka w Tatrach site, between Włosienicą and the resort above Morskim Okiem.  These hate messages were painted and rubbed on the asphalt, stonewall, blocks and rocks.


As noted by the police spokesman at Zakopane (translator’s note: city in southeastern Poland), a 22-year old man admitted performing the actions and turned himself in voluntarily in order to receive the punishment.  The court will decide as to the punishment.  “Three friend of the 22-year old man were released following the interrogation without indictment, since only one of them sprayed the messages.  The rest (only) watched it”, he said.


A count of public degradation of a group of people due to national affiliation was added to the indictment, as that man sprayed antisemitic messages.



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