The Untold Truth: 150 Million Europeans Hate Israel – Part 2

In the first part of our exclusive interview, Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld posited that today, well over 150 million Europeans believe that Israel is exterminating the Palestinians. Since the interview was published, Gerstenfeld’s views have been featured in The Times of Israel and a debate has ensued over whether there are really 150 million European antisemites or whether the majority of these people are, as Professor Robert Wistrich puts it, merely “idiots.”


In the second part of our interview, Gerstenfeld talks further about the contents of his new book Demonizing Israel and the Jews (available for purchase on Amazon).


By Simon Plosker


HR: The emphasis on Demonizing Israel and the Jews’ introduction which exposes Europe’s massive criminal worldview of Israel, to some extent overshadows the 57 interviews which are the main part of the book. What have you tried to achieve with these interviews?

MG: This is a collection of interviews with Jewish leaders, scholars, experts, politicians, journalists, important figures in Jewish organizations and the like. Together they illustrate how widespread, intense and multifaceted hate-mongering against Israel and the Jews is. The book deals with many countries and disciplines. After reading these interviews, one better understands how the demonic worldview of Israel in Europe has been created. The book is divided into a section with interviews which primarily focus on Israel and another, which mainly addresses classic antisemitism.


HR: What countries do most of the interviewees cover?

MG: The interviews deal with more than ten European countries. There are also interviews with Gustavo Perednik on Argentina, Rifat Bali on the uncertain future of Turkey’s Jewish communities,  Maurice Roumani about what are attitudes in Libya with respect to its former Jewish community, Zvi Mazel on Egyptian antisemitism from Mubarak to Morsi as well as with Mitchell Bard on the powerful Saudi lobby in the United States. There is also an interview with Justus Weiner which discusses how Muslims are driving out Christians from Palestinian territories.


HR:  Many of your interviews address various groups of perpetrators of antisemitism and anti-Israelism. What are the main ones?

MG: The greatest hatred of Israel by far comes out of parts of the Muslim world. This could easily fill several books of interviews. In Demonizing Israel and the Jews, interviewees elaborate on some of its aspects. Richard Landes explains how Muslim conspiracy theories affect Jews; Gunther Jikeli addresses Muslim antisemitism among European youths; former Chairman of the French umbrella organization CRIF, Richard Prasquier, discusses Muslim antisemitism in France.


HR: We at HonestReporting are of course very interested in media bias.

MG: This, like so many other topics in Demonizing Israel and the Jews also merits a book in itself. One interview is with Simon Plosker, Managing Editor of HonestReporting. Another is with Andrea Levin of CAMERA. In a third one, litigation lawyer Trevor Asserson takes the bias of the BBC – as far as reporting about Israel is concerned – largely apart. On a different note, moviemaker Gloria Greenfield tells about her documentary Unmasked Judeophobia and the reactions to it.


HR: Another major source of Israel hatred comes from the extreme Left.

MG: Indeed, this is addressed for instance by Angelo Pezzana who explains how anti-Israel Italians, primarily extreme leftists, abuse Holocaust memory. Simon Epstein discusses 60 years of French intellectual bias against Israel, giving much attention to the Communists. Ken Sikorski analyzes the Finnish scene, including the Socialists.


HR: European Socialists and Social Democrats have also manifested strong anti-Israel attitudes.

MG: The leading Norwegian non-fiction writer, Hanne Nabintu Herland tells about how the “politically correct” hatred of Israel is promoted. She said that the Labor Party plays a major role in turning Norway into the most antisemitic country in the West. Ilya Meyer discusses how Sweden’s third largest city Malmo, has become an internationally known hotbed of antisemitism. Part of this is due to the previous Labor Party Mayor Ilmar Reepalu, who has made frequent antisemitic remarks. Jehudi Kinar, former Israeli Ambassador to Belgium, details anti-Israelism in Belgian socialist parties.


HR: Yet, another source of Israel hatred comes from Christian circles.

MG: Far too little attention is paid to this. This subject also merits a special interview book. Dutch scholar Hans Jansen tells about the deep roots of Protestant antisemitism since its founding. His main focus is on church reformer Martin Luther. He also discusses the hateful Kairos document coming out of the part of the Palestinian Christian community. David Parsons explains how one can distinguish between pro-Israeli and anti-Israeli Protestants theologically. Dexter van Zile exposes the anti-Israel politics of the World Council of Churches.

HR: What about terrorism?

MG: Psychiatrist Daphne Burdman analyzes how Palestinian children are indoctrinated to genocidal hatred. Michael Whine gives an overview of how Jewish communities and Israelis abroad have been targeted by terrorists.


HR: What about self-hating Israelis and Jews? There aren’t that many, but they do cause damage.

MG: Hebrew University Philosophy Professor Elhanan Yakira points out the similarities between Israeli and Jewish post-Zionists and Holocaust deniers. Harvard Psychologist Ken Levin diagnoses the Jews and Israelis who embrace criticism from extreme antisemites and anti-Israelis. He says that this phenomenon reveals great similarity to the responses of children subjected to chronic abuse.


HR: What about NGO’s, hatred on the internet, etc.

MG:  Gerald Steinberg discusses NGO bias against Israel, Rabbi Abraham Cooper explains the dangers of antisemitism and terrorism on the internet, while Ronald Eissens evokes the problems concerning internet hate on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


HR: Do you also discuss some of the tools of transmission of hatred in contemporary antisemitism and anti-Israelism?

MG: Certain media are perpetrators of antisemitism and anti-Israelism through editorials and their selection of news items. Through the publication of anti-Israel op-eds, they are tools of transmission of bias. Similarly, the United Nations is both a perpetrator and a tool of Israel hatred. The latter is illustrated in the interview with Yohanan Manor about the “Zionism is Racism” resolution. Cartoons are a very effective tool to promote and transmit hatred as Joel Kotek demonstrates. Another tool of transmission of hatred among many is language. Georges-Elia Sarfati stresses that words are not neutral, but serve to introduce a certain vision of an issue addressed.


HR: Are there also interviews on how to fight antisemitism and anti-Israelism?

MG: An important one is the interview with former Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler. He lists political, diplomatic, economic and legal tools available to counteract the Iranian threat. Cotler says that there is enough proof to bring Iran before the International Court of Justice.


HR: Anything else?

MG: We would have to hold many other conversations like this one to cover all the major themes of the book.

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