The fight against racism, xenophobia and antisemitism – 2012

Report regarding racism, antisemitism and xenophobia for 2012: troublesome rise in intolerance


Report regarding racism, antisemitism and xenophobia for 2012: it looks like the French society has become more receptive of displays of intolerance and racism.


Divided, characterized by difficulties of “living together”, split by increasing phenomena inflicted with ethnic characteristics and in the midst of a significant identity crisis: the French society looks more receptive of displays of intolerance and racism.


Although one should use caution in dealing with numbers that can be interpreted in different ways, the results of quantitative and qualitative surveys conducted by the “National Consultative Committee on Human Rights” and the numbers of violent incidents motivated by racism, antisemitism and anti-Muslim sentiments presented this year by the Minister of Internal Affairs raise concern. The year 2012 displays an alarming return of antisemitism and confirms the rise in actions carried out against people of Muslim origin. The committee’s surveys show, for the third consecutive year, that within the French society there has been a decline in tolerance and a rise in the spread of xenophobia, and that the French citizens are more and more skeptic  about the possibility of “living together” (cohabitation), which, they believe, is in danger due to the mounting ethnic segmentation.


In view of these alarming signs, and in light of the complex phenomena, the National Consultative Committee on Human Rights seeks, by means of this report, to show objectivity in the measuring and analysis of the comprehensive data at its disposal, while keeping the necessary distance. With this report it fulfills a double function of being vigilant of the subject as well as proposing a plan of action; this in order to advance the struggle against racism, antisemitism and xenophobia.


“The National Consultative Committee on Human Rights expects the government to act with full determination in order to ensure that the increase of uncertainty and lack of social security which are rampant today in our country are not accompanied with displays of intolerance and racism… in addition it insists that each person should be aware of his own responsibility to the struggle against racism in all its forms, including racism over the internet.

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