Appeal over antisemitic Tube chant

London – British Transport Police detectives have released CCTV images of a man they want to trace in connection with the incident, which took place on a westbound District line train towards Wimbledon shortly after 7.30pm on May 15.


Det Sgt. Doug Fairbairn, investigating, said there were a number of Chelsea FC fans on the train when a victim of the abuse boarded the train. The London club had played Portuguese side Benfica in the Europe League final earlier that evening.


“A man, who was already onboard the carriage, began chanting an antisemitic song,” Det Sgt Fairbairn added.


“The victim asked the man to stop but he carried on repeating it until he left the train at Fulham Broadway LU station.”


Det Sgt Fairbairn said it must have been an “extremely intimidating experience” for the passenger who boarded the train, and suggested the suspect may have been a Chelsea fan.


“The vast majority of supporters are well-behaved and a credit to their clubs. Sadly, as in this case, an individual was prepared to step out of line and seemed intent on causing problems.”

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