Ayatollah Ali Khamenei promotes antisemitic conspiracy on Facebook before elections

Teheran – On the eve of Iran’s June 14 presidential elections, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s promoted an antisemitic conspiracy theory on his Facebook profile by featuring the logo of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee accompanied by text reading “the U.S. president is being elected from only two parties while Zionist regime is controlling everything behind the scenes.”


Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Additionally, Khamenei’s Facebook page said, “In Iran, there have been many presidents being elected in a pure democratic process from ordinary people even without any affiliation to a party.”


Anti-Defamation League National Director Abraham Foxman said in a statement, “Shame on the Ayatollah for yet again giving voice to raw, full-throated and unadulterated antisemitism, this time in a forum where millions of ordinary Iranians see and share his message on the eve of national elections.”

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