Antisemitic slur costs lawyer more than $10,000

Rossendale, Lancashire – A 34 year-old British attorney has taken a substantial financial hit, while almost losing her career as a result of an anti-Jewish remark she made not once, but twice in front of a Jewish cashier employed by her law firm in Rossendale, Lancashire.


MAIL ONLINE reports that Danielle Morris’ comments “I can’t stand Jewish people” resulted in a three-and-a-half year investigation by the Solicitor’s Regulation Authority, as well as a civil suit filed by the Jewish cashier.


Ms. Morris’ problems began when she claimed a Jewish man jumped the queue while she was taking one of her three children to see a doctor.


Upon returning to her office at the law firm, Ms. Morris told a fellow employee, “I can’t stand Jewish people,” after which the cashier, who had overheard the comment, asked her, “Please don’t say that.”


“I don’t care. I cannot stand them ever since the incident at Bardoc,” Ms. Morris replied.


The Jewish cashier subsequently left the law firm and filed complaints against Ms. Morris both civilly and with the Solicitor’s Regulation Authority.


The results were huge fines and court costs for Ms. Morris, as well as a settlement with the Jewish cashier.


As part of her defense, Ms. Morris’ attorney argued that, due to her young age, 34, Ms. Morris had “limited” direct knowledge of the Holocaust and the “attitudes” that led to its atrocities.

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