Dozens of Stars of David were torn out in Dachau concentration camp

Dachau – An Israeli citizen, who visited last weekend Dachau concentration camp in Germany, was shocked to discover that dozens of Stars of David icons were torn out of plaques of appreciation in one of the museum’s rooms.


In one of the rooms in the Memorial compound, a large space is devoted to plaques of appreciation received by the management from groups and organizations around the world as well as from Israel – and this is where the act was committed. “It’s just disgusting and it seems that someone did it intentionally – it is no coincidence,” said Liron Meira, a worker of “Tavnit Ashdod”, who traveled to Germany for work and visited the place.


The pictures he sent to Israel’s Channel 2 Online News were secretly filmed, given the fact that photographing in the museum is prohibited. “You can see the glue left after the Stars of David icons were torn out.  Not even one Star of David left – it’s just terrible,” he said.


Following an appeal of Israel’s Channel 2 Online News, the Foreign Ministry announced that the case will be checked. “The visitor did not inform us or the museum’s management about what he saw and the case is not known to us, but we will investigate it and if necessary we will treat it harshly,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor.

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