Antisemitic posters in downtown Belgrade

Belgrade – Antisemitic posters, accusing Jews of being responsible for the 1999 bombing of the former Yugoslavia, have been put up in downtown Belgrade.


Belgrade Mayor Dragan Đilas has condemned the posters.


The posters depict a WWII bomber with the Star of David and destroyed Yugoslav Army General Staff headquarters and a bridge in Novi Sad.


“14 years since the NATO bombing, their terror still goes on,” it is written on the posters.


Dragan Đilas

Đilas called on all citizens of Belgrade to “respect values of the democratic society we live in and keep the spirit of tolerance and respect, something our city is famous for”.


He noted that people of different cultures and customs had lived in Belgrade for centuries and that all citizens jointly built the city and improved the quality of life.


“The capital and the entire Serbia are proud of their anti-fascist fight and struggle for freedom in the past that such uncivilized acts degrade and disparage,” the mayor pointed out.


He added he was certain that the authorities would find the perpetrators and punish them and therefore prove that vandalism and racism were not welcome in Belgrade.


Parliament’s Human Rights Committee Chairman Meho Omerović said that hatred toward Jews and accusations that they were responsible for the 1999 bombing only harmed Belgrade and Serbia and called on the state authorities to react to the anti-Semitic posters in Belgrade.

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