Antisemitism among Flemish young people

75% of the Muslim youngsters hold antisemitic views; this has emerged from an extensive research conducted among 3867 Flemish students aged 14-18. The CIDI is interested in conducting a similar survey among the Flemish youngsters. The lower house in the Netherlands held a discussion today regarding discrimination and antisemitism.


The lower house in the Netherlands held a discussion today regarding discrimination and antisemitism. This because of the antisemitic expressions of the Turkish youngster in the TV program “Onbevoegd Gezag”, as well as the conclusions of the report that dealt with the subject of prejudices against Jews that was conducted among students in 8 schools in Amsterdam (see the internet sites at the end of the article).


There are other signs of antisemitism among youngsters. In a report prepared by Mr. Theodor Holman he quotes expressions as he heard them in the school classrooms:


“You are again going to defend your Jewish friends, man, but as far as I am concerned they can all die, you understand. They kill plenty of children and they prepare food from the blood of their babies. They are crazy, man”. And also: “They should all die.”


Recently it became known that a survey conducted among 3867 students aged 14-18 in Flanders shows that 75% of the Muslim adolescents hold antisemitic views. The percentage of local Flemish youngsters with antisemitic views is 10%. One of the report’s conclusions was that the level of education and the families’ monthly income have no impact on the shocking results. Among the Muslim youngsters there were also prejudices against gay people as well. “Joods Actueel” reported this matter and found this picture on the internet: Click on the picture to enlarge it.


Last month The CIDI requested the Minister of Education, Bussemaker, to conduct an extensive survey among young students regarding prejudices. The Minister has not yet responded to the request, but there seems to be a real reason for conducting the Flemish research also here. In order that the results can be compared with the research conducted among the Muslim youngsters, they will be asked the same questions.


In addition, the Flemish youngsters are prejudiced against gays. If we could obtain an assessment concerning the state of prejudices in the Netherlands, it would enable us to better fight against these prejudices within the educational system and within other systems.


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