Internet discrimination, the biggest source of antisemitism in 2012

In 2012, the biggest sources of antisemitism were once again cases of discrimination over the Internet, according to Meldpunt Discriminatie Internet (MDI). During 2012, 285 reports about antisemitism were received at the 285 call center, in other words, 28% of all the reports received.  This, despite the fact that only 0.2% of Dutch are Jews: 25 times less than the percentage of Muslims who are ranked second amongst discriminated groups, with 196 reports about such cases (19%) In other words, the Jews in the Netherlands experience disproportional discrimination.


Meldpunt Discriminatie Internet (MDI) notes in its annual report that, on the whole, the number of reports about discrimination cases decreased during that year, compared to 2011 figures. MDI fears that the reason is that people’s willingness to report about discrimination cases is lower.


Therefore, attention should be given to the number of reports about antisemitic cases in 2012 (252 cases in 2011, whereas 285 occurred in 2012). Moreover, the number of calls defined by MDI as criminal offenses has increased (165 cases in 2011 vs. 177 cases in 2012).


“Unfortunately, current antisemitism is increasingly becoming ‘acceptable’, and the Internet encourages this phenomenon”, says Meldpunt Discriminatie Internet (MDI).


Accordingly, CIDI (Centrum Informatie en Documentatie Israël), was glad to see that MDI continues performing its job also beyond January 1st, 2013, despite the fact that the government budget intended for that purpose has ceased being allocated, after being continuously approved over the course of the last 15 years. The Defense Ministry, the Justice Ministry and the Ministry of the Interior are interested in seeing the M organization (which receives budget from the government) taking care of discrimination on the Internet.  The role of the M organization is to forward to the police telephonic complaints or complaints about crimes received anonymously, and this organization is not experienced in handling discrimination cases, and on the Internet as well. This fact represents a trend where discrimination cases are taken care in a general manner. MDI will continue its activities, also without government budget.


Follow this link to see MDI’s annual report for 2012

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