The Deputy Mayor of Antwerp intends to develop a Plan of Action against the Increase in antisemitism among the Muslim population

The deputy mayor of Antwerp Mr. Claude Marinower from the Open VLD Party, who is also responsible for the education portfolio, is interested in developing a plan of action in conjunction with local schools in order to combat the increase in antisemitism among the Muslim youth in the city. Marinower was quoted this week in the latest edition of the ‘Joods Actueel’ newspaper.

A study recently conducted by the Youth Research Platform (J.O.P) revealed that approximately three quarters of Muslim youth agree or at least partially agree with stereotypes against Jews such as “The Jews are to blame for all the wars in the world” or “The Jews have too much influence and power”.


Marinower claims that “the situation is a serious one posing a threat to the city’s daily life” and that this constitutes the reason behind his plan. “I therefore plan to sit down together during the coming weeks with the representatives of the education system in Antwerp in order to discuss the study’s findings and work on formulating a plan of action.”


The chief editor of the ‘Joods Actueel’, Michael Freilich, writes in his article that there is no certainty that such a plan will succeed. Freilich claims that: “the question is whether a plan like this will succeed if the Flemish District does not support it.”


In addition, the Minister of Education, Pascal Smet, does not intend implementing special actions in order to combat the problem. “He missed the opportunity”, says Freilich, “Pascal Smet has the necessary funds and means to deal with the increasing intolerance against homosexuals, but not for antisemitism. Why is intolerance against homosexuals more important than intolerance against Jews?”


‘Joods Actueel’ also asked for the reaction of the Senate Party Head Mr. Bert Anciaux to the J.O.P study.  Mr. Anciaux replied that “it is disgusting, however society reaps what it sows” by which he means that in his opinion much of the Muslim youth no longer have aspirations for their future.


“It is strange to me” responds Freilich, “because Anciaux’s party is responsible for policy in Flanders and provides the Minster of Education. Or perhaps Anciaux is engaging in serious self-criticism?” 

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