Antisemitism and anti-Israeli statements in a federal district university

Mexico City – the program for master’s degree in human rights of the Autonomous University in Mexico City in collaboration with the “Palestine ya” (Palestine now) association has launched an anti-Israeli propaganda campaign in UACM (the campus, which ironically, served in the past as the Jewish school of Mexico), which calls for severing relations between Mexico and Israel.


Reporters from the Internet magazine “Enlace Judio” (the Jewish connection), who were present there saw the documentary movie “History of Zionism”, supposedly about a former Israeli soldier, and listened to two lectures, one of which was given by Oscar Gonzalez, the former President of the Mexican Academy for Human rights, and which, regrettably, contained expressions of anti-Semitic hatred, closely mixed with Holocaust denial.


And thus it happened that Raquel Rodriguez, who belongs to that organization, with a Palestinian veil and a foreign accent, surprised them with her statement that the Holocaust is a fabrication and that there were no gas chambers; they were also shocked to hear her saying:


“Had all this been true, and had the Holocaust happened and millions of Jews been killed, than we would have been lucky that there were no more Jews on the face of earth…”


In parallel, she uttered classical antisemitic prejudices, like the argument that the Jews control the media… and the construction in Mexico.


Afterwards Armando Soto Baeza, the leader of the movement “Palestine now” read the request letter demanding the severance of the diplomatic relations between Mexico and Israel, which was being signed by the students and the visitors.


Armando Soto clarified that the request letter was not from the Autonomous University of Mexico City, and despite that in the announcement that appears in the internet site of the Palestinian organization it was stated otherwise.


And… surprise! In a banner posted in the “Palestine Now” internet site, both the logo of the federal district government as well as that of “Sederec”, the office for rural development and just equality for the communities, appear.

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