The Extreme Right in Europe is gaining support: here are the statistics

The Northern League in Italy received 12.2% of the votes in the 2010 regional elections. Storace’s right received in the 2011 provincial elections 1.52%.


Forza Nuova, the last time it presented its candidacy (in the elections in Europe in 2009), received 0.47% of the votes.


The “Movimento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore” – 0.8% (the last time it presented its candidacy in the elections in Europe in 2009) – while CasaPound Italy has recently announced its candidacy for mayor in the Rome mayoral elections in 2013.


Following are the main results of the extreme right in Europe:


Austria – 20.2%

In the Austrian parliament – the FPÖ (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs) has 34 of the 183 seats that form 17.5% of the seats. The BZÖ (Bündnis Zukunft Österreich) – a coalition that has split from the FPÖ and which espouses the same populist theories, against the EU and against Islam, has 21 seats, which form 10.7%.


Switzerland – 26.6%

The “UDC/Schweizerische Volkspartei) “The Central Democratic Union” with its chairman Toni Brunner, represents the first group in the National Council (the Parliament) following the December 2011 elections, with 54 seats out of 200. This populist party, which advocates xenophobia, has attracted the media attention by means of a promotion campaign using placards displaying white sheep chasing away a black sheep, which represents a foreigner, ravens that represent Rumanians and Bulgarians that chew on the Swiss flag and a woman covered from head to toe in front of mosque spires shaped as nuclear warheads.


Norway – 23%

The progress party (Fremskrittspartiet/FrP), a populist party that opposes immigration to the country and is represented by 41 out of the 169 Parliament members, has lost many votes in the local elections that took place following the massacre committed by Breivik, who was in the past a member of that party.


Finland – 19.1%

“The true Finns party” (Perussuomalaiset), had a turnabout in the April 2011 elections. This Populist Party, which opposes the EU, has 39 out of the 200 seats in the Parliament.



France – 18.90%

The National Front candidate, Marine Le Pen, received in the first round of the presidential elections on May 6 17.90% of the votes, which account for the highest percentage this right wing coalition has received in the Fifth Republic.


Hungary – 16.7%

The extreme right party Jobbik (an alliance of right-wing youngsters – a movement for better Hungary) entered the parliament following the general elections in April, 2010. This party advocates guarding the national identity, returning of Christian values, the family and authority, sometimes using symbols of a Nazi group of the thirties. Today, Jobbik occupies 46 of the 386 seats in Parliament.


Denmark – 13.9%

Since 2011 the Dansk Folkeparti (the Danish Nation’s party) has 22 of the 179 mandates of Parliament (Folketing). Like other extreme right parties in the Scandinavian countries, it promotes a policy against immigration to the country and is hostile to Islam.


Belgium – 8.2%

The Vlaams Belang (Intérèt Flamand, formerly Vlaams Blok) received in the June, 2012 general and federal elections 12 of the 150 seats in the House of Representatives. This Flemish party supports nationalistic ideas regarding immigration to the country, and separatism.


The Netherlands – 15.5%

The Freedom Party (Partij voor de Vrihjeid/PVV), the group of Geert Wilders, which opposes the EU and Islam, was considered “the big winner” of the general elections in June, 2010, and has increased from 9 to 24 seats out of 150.


Sweden – 5.7%

The Swede extreme right, known by the name of Democratic Swedes (Sverigedemokraterna/SD) ran for parliament (Riksdag) for the first time in the general elections of September 2010. This party, which opposes immigration to the country, received 20 out of 348 mandates.

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