US urges Morsi to retract antisemitic remarks

The United States on Tuesday condemned vitriolic antisemitic remarks attributed to Egypt’s Islamist President Mohamed Morsi before he was elected, and urged him to clarify his views.


“The language that we’ve seen is deeply offensive,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said, adding “we think that these comments should be repudiated, and they should be repudiated firmly.”

According to a TV clip released by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Morsi refers in a 2010 interview to “occupiers of Palestine” as “blood suckers and war mongers, and descendants of pigs and apes.”


“We must resist them with all forms of resistance. A military resistance in Palestine against these Zionist criminals assaulting the land of Palestine and Palestinians,” he says in the remarks to Quds Channel three years ago.


He also denounces Middle East peace talks saying “the Palestinian Authority was created by the Zionists and American enemies for the sole purpose of opposing the will of the Palestinian people,” according to a translation from the Washington-based MEMRI.





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