Abusive behavior, December 2012 (12 incidents)

Date: 05-12-12

London – The victim is a tenant in a block of flats. He, his flat mates and other residents have been receiving abuse from another tenant in the building. Every time they return to their flat and get to the main door of the building, the offender shouts abuse through the intercom such as “don’t come in here Jew boy” as well as references to Hitler.


Date: 07-12-12

Warwick – The reporter informed us about three years of antisemitic abuse that his son had been receiving whilst at school.

The victim had received excessive abuse over a long period of time including regularly being called a “fucking Jew” and that “all Jews should die, like in the Holocaust”.


Date: 12-12-12

London – A group of Jewish school children were on the bus on their way home from school and were sitting at the back on the top deck. A group of non Jewish girls boarded after them and started on one of the Jewish girls, shouting at her and telling them to move as they want to sit there, they took one of the girls bags and threw it down the aisle.

The Jewish girls moved as they did not want any trouble, when another group of boys came up, some of whom joined the group of offending girls sitting behind the victims and some sat in front of them. They started asking about the Jewish girls are trying to get their attention. They then started shouting “They’re Jews, they can’t fucking swear, they’re such nerds” and when the victims would not turn around they started shouting more and throwing coins at the girls.

The reporter got up and went to go downstairs and the others followed which made the offenders shout “they’re scared” and laughing. The girls got off the bus and boarded the next one.


Date: 29-12-12

London – The Jewish victim has received abuse for the last three years from the people who sit behind him at a football match. The abuse usually consists of “Yiddo” and hissing as well as “kill the Yid”. The victim in the past has argued back with the offenders.

The same male was sitting behind the victim three years later and instantly started kicking the victims chair, sitting with his knees in his back and flicking his hair. When it came to half time the victim turned around and aggressively said “get your knees out of my chair” to which he replied “ease off man” and the friend started getting in an argument with him to which he commented “you’re just a Jew boy with a chip on your shoulder”.


Incident Statistics 


Total Incidents for this Period


Total Incidents for this Period last year



Incident Category:-




Damage and Desecration of Property




Abusive Behaviour




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