Abusive behavior, September 2012 (39 incidents)

Date: 05-09-12

London – The victim is an Orthodox Jewish man who is in a wheelchair. On the way into town, the man decided to take the bus, and as he got onto the ramp into the bus, it malfunctioned and meant that all the passengers on board had to disembark.

Some of the passengers became annoyed and started to shout verbal abuse at the victim including “fucking Jew in a wheelchair” and “spazo Jew”.


Date: 13-09-12

London – A Jewish school boy boarded a bus with his friend and went upstairs to the top deck and sat near the back. There were two white males sitting in the rear of the bus and one of these men subjected the Jewish school boy to a torrent of antisemitic abuse.

He first started calling the boy a “fucking Jew” and continued with “I hate fucking Jews, they really piss me off”. He then said to the boy “what are you looking at? Keep looking and I’ll push your fucking head through the window”. Various other threats were made mentioning the boy’s parents.


Date: 17-09-12

Essex – In the evening of a Jewish festival, a family were leaving Synagogue and walking to their Rabbis house when a car approached them and abuse was shouted from the vehicle. The abuse included “dirty fucking Jews, go back to where you belong”.


Date: 18-09-12

Essex – A Rabbi was on his way to the evening service at his Synagogue during a Jewish festival. As he was walking, he approached a roundabout and noticed four youths across the road, he then heard some shouting, including “Kill the Jews”.

He is unsure whether this was shouted from a passing vehicle or from the youths but he believes it was the latter.


Incident Statistics 



Total Incidents for this Period


Total Incidents for this Period last year



Incident Category:-




Damage and Desecration of Property




Abusive Behaviour





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