Swastikas painted synagogue

Morrison, Colo. – The Anti-Defamation League was up in arms Thursday after two incidents of vandalism targeted a Morrison synagogue last week. In both incidents, a swastika was spray painted on a sign in front of the B’nai Chaim Synagogue.


The League was particularly worried because this isn’t the only incident of anti-Semitic vandalism to be reported in Colorado recently. According to the ADL, swastikas have also been painted on properties in Boulder, Colorado Springs and Conifer “over the past few months.”


According to the ADL, the swastikas appeared on the Morrison synagogue towards the end of last week. No particular time frame was given for the vandalism in the three other cities.


“It is also not known if there is any connection between these actions,” ADL Mountain States Regional Director Scott L. Levin said.


Levin continued to say he was happy to see the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office respondi o the reported incidents of vandalism quickly.


“This is especially disturbing that swastikas were used to deface a sign at a synagogue given their use by the Nazis as a symbol of hate against the Jewish people,” Levin said. “If the evidence proves that these crimes were indeed bias-motivated, we hope that the perpetrator(s) will be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”


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