Hungarian MP suggests creating list of Jews

Gyöngyösi Márton

Budapest – Hungarian MP, Márton Gyöngyösi called for the government to count the Jews and to make a list of those sitting in Parliament and in government. He also stated that Jews pose a national security risk. After his remarks, none of the Hungarian MPs were at all shocked or upset, including those who purport to be democrats and are critical of the current Orbán regime. The Speaker of the House did not mute Gyöngyösi’s microphone and did not discipline him either; yet, his remarks received a gentle applause and tacit support among some on the right.

“Marton Gyongyosi, MP had the following to say: I think it’s high time the government made a survey of how many persons of Jewish origin are residing in Hungary, especially of those who are members of Parliament and serve in public office in the government because they pose national security risk to Hungary. In my view, the government owes the Hungarian people such a survey.”

Zsolt Nemeth, Deputy State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded: Well, Mr. Gyöngyösi, I cannot support such a survey. I think the number of Jews in the Hungarian government doesn’t correlate to the conflict in the Gaza strip.”

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