Swastika-like symbols spray painted on homes & cars

Middletown, DE – Dan Lyden’s fuming while furiously scrubbing away the swastika-like symbols painted on his S-U-V and the hood of his mother in law’s car Friday night.


“I’m furious.”


The spray painted images left marks on his cars and the mind of his seven year old daughter Meadow.


“I think it’s wrong because why would you kill Jewish people. They’re just people.”


Middletown Police say eight cars and one house in Levittown’s Highland Park community were spray painted with the symbols.


The vandals didn’t stop at cars and homes.They even hit a couple excavators in a construction zone. They painted over the windows. Wrote “This is our town.” Then signed-off on the graffiti leaving their crews name


Middletown police are investigating the vandalism. They’re checking area stores like neighboring K-Mart to see if anyone bought or stole blue spray paint.


Investigators say the graffiti looks juvenile in nature and that the vandals could be charged with a hate crime.

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