Antisemitic attack in a Milano bar

Milano – a group of 8-10 Moroccans, who were sitting near the tables outside the bar at the Tirana piazza in Milano, identified Adam Attaf and Maurizio Piha as “Jews” and rudely insulted them and went as far as to threaten with physical assault.


Adam Attaf notified the police of the Lorenteggio neighborhood concerning the words of one of the members of the group – “when he saw my friend Maurizio, he said in Arabic phrases such as ‘It’s a Jew, beat him up, beat him up…’.”


Attaf came from Egypt and his grandfathers were Jews and he understood very well the words of the Arabic speaking man. In spite of that, he avoided responding to the provocation and entered the bar in order to drink a cup of coffee with his friend Maurizio. But on his way out, the occurrence repeated itself, in a more violent manner and this time in Italian – “Jews are shit … Israelis are disgusting…”


Attaf’s warning that he would call the police did not work. “Up yours, the police does not bother me, you can call them… call them”, they replied. Some of them gradually approached and “insinuated that they were willing to hit us”, Attaf went on telling the story to the police. “Okay, okay, we are going now, but this story should finish here”, Attaf said to them when he was leaving the bar.


According to the complaint report, the owners of the establishment did not intervene and did not take the initiative to call the police.

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