A Jew was beaten with a knuckle-duster, in danger of losing his eyesight

Klaipeda, Lithuania – a Jew was beaten on Rosh Hashanah in the city of Klaipeda (North-West Lithuania) by a gang of Lithuanians. He is in fair condition.


The Jew, in his twenties, is one of the few Jews in town that walk in the street with a Yarmulke and a Tzitzit (fringed garment), and he was beaten with a knuckle-duster by a gang of young antisemites while returning from the Rosh Hashanah prayer in the synagogue.


As a result of the beatings, he suffers from brain concussion and a broken skull bone near the eye. He is now hospitalized in the local hospital and there is concern that he may lose his eyesight.

There is an attempt in Lithuania to suppress the incident in order to demonstrate that there is no antisemitism in the country, but the inhabitants report that this was not an exceptional event.

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