State Dept. official outlines antisemitism training for diplomats

Arlington, Va. – The Obama administration launched training for its diplomats to identify and combat antisemitism.


Michael Posner, the assistant secretary of state for human rights, told the B’nai B’rith International policy conference in suburban Washington on Monday that the program had been launched by Hannah Rosenthal, the U.S. special envoy on antisemitism, whose term is ending next month.


“Under Hannah’s leadership we have begun a major training initiative for Foreign Service officers in the State Department to teach them not only how to monitor but also how to respond appropriately to various forms of antisemitism,” he said. “And we are seeing that many countries are now doing the right thing, challenging antisemitism and other forms of racial, religious and ethnic hatred.”


Strategies taught to the diplomats include partnering with civil society groups, including non-Jewish groups; challenging the funding and running of schools that peddle hate and promote violence; training foreign law enforcement to enhance protection of vulnerable communities; and increasing cultural and educational exchanges to promote greater sensitivity to others.

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