Chairman of the Israel-Germany Friendship Society warns against anti-Semitism

The Chairman of the Israel-Germany Friendship Society, Reinhold Robbe, has warned against latent antisemitism in Germany. “There is no new antisemitism in Germany, but rather an old latent one, not very different from that of England and France.” says Robbe to the newspaper.


Robbe added that the source of antisemitism is for the most part prejudices as well as anti‑Jewish and anti-Israeli atmosphere prevalent among the Muslims. In addition there exists latent antisemitism among many citizens who associate themselves with the right side of the political map. Schools too bear some responsibility. Many youngsters “are not familiar with the history.” “We should ask ourselves urgently, whether the textbooks and the curriculums are adequate in order to prevent such a phenomenon. The lives and achievements of Jews in Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries are not sufficiently accentuated.”

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