The BBC Olympic site states: Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine

London – quite often we encounter a foreign media hostile to Israel, but moments before the Olympic Games are about to begin the BBC seems to have taken it one step ahead. In the British network’s special Olympic space, the names of the countries participating in the games in London are listed and each country’s own profile is presented.


According to the BBC the capital of Palestine is East Jerusalem, whereas Israel is presented in its specific column without a capital. And if that is not enough, inside the Israeli profile an Israeli soldier is depicted confronting a Palestinian citizen.


Furthermore, it is noted that most of the embassies are located in Tel-Aviv and not in Jerusalem. Of course, the Gaza strip, the West Bank and the Golan Heights are colored with different colors in the map.


Quite a few surfers have already complained about these definitions and the information has even reached the Prime Minister’s desk. The Prime Minister has issued a letter from his office that was sent to the person in charge of the Middle East in the BBC, Paul Denhar, in which he demands to change the column and protests the channel’s attitude. Now we have to wait and see if one of the most famous networks in the world will change its definitions.

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