Prayer house in a Jewish cemetery damaged by shooting or stone throwing

RigaUnknown people caused heavy damage to the painted glass windows in the prayer house of the new Jewish cemetery. The cemetery workers are of the opinion that this kind of damage could be caused by shooting. The police also agree with that assumption. This was reported by Gita Umanovskaya, Acting Director of the Committee of Jewish communities in Latvia.


She stated that “The incident in the Jewish cemetery causes us grave concern. We truly hope that the investigation of this case will be swift, objective and properly classified, and that the Latvian community will receive the full information regarding the findings of the investigation.”


In addition, she called on reporters and politicians to exercise restraint and be discreet in the discussions related to ethnic groups. “Experience shows that public display of positions in an emotional thoughtless way can provoke people that for ideological or medical reasons are prone to unexpected reactions. “This type of incidents threatens the public order and damages the international image of the county.” said Umanovskaya.


The representative of the city police, Tom Sadovskis, reported that the police have received a complaint and opened a case of deliberate causing of damage to property. Sadovskis believes there was no shooting at the prayer house, but rather the painted glass window was damaged by stones thrown at it.

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