Anti-Semitic graffiti in library books

There are people and some are not human beings


I have seen already everything in library books: pencil notes, underlining, torn out pages, cotton bud between the pages (hopefully not used), but the history today has topped really everything so that I ask myself who in the world can do something like this?


“While staying in the library, I looked into a illustrated book on the subject “Jewish life in Germany” – synagogue architecture, festivities, religious events etc…. And suddenly I saw on one page a graffiti … I am ashamed to repeat the text but “get the hell out of Germany” summarizes it still in a fairly harmless manner.


What dumb, what ill… Man (sorry, I really wanted to say something else but I prefer not to use swearwords). How can someone do a thing like this and damage public property in such an insulting manner? I mean, even I, who knows some things about vulgarities coming from this side, was speechless and shocked. And nothing surprises me anymore… how do other readers feel? Can you imagine that a member of the Jewish community reads this book … and then a religious person who reads this book sees such a thing under the picture of any religious event … or an older person who still remembers the years of World War II?  I gave the book to the librarian and asked them to do something to erase this (fortunately, it was written with a pencil “only”)…, however, I am still in shock, even half a day later *grmpf*

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