Britain – Abusive behavior, June 2012 (23 incidents)

01/06/2012 Chelsea, London

An abusive letter was sent to a Synagogue. The letter reads “you are a disgrace to humanity” and contains some cut outs of articles from the newspaper.


03/06/2012 Camden, London

The reporter, who is an employee of a University, was in the library and decided to look at some Hebrew and Yiddish learning material. While he was looking through the stacks he overheard some students talking. One of the students said “there is a lot of Jewish books here, we should take a match and burn them”.


03/06/2012 Ramsbottom, Lancashire

At a wartime festival re-enactors dressed up as senior members of the Nazi party. Swastikas and other Nazi regalia were worn during the 1940s-style celebration.

The victims were asked by a festival ‘actor’ to consider dressing up as persecuted refugees by wearing a yellow Star of David, carrying battered suitcases and ‘looking poor’.

Some participants at the annual Wartime Weekend were spotted impersonating Hermann Goring.

Others were seen wearing the SS symbol and the swastika.


03/06/2012 Whitefield, Manchester

The offender was in an altercation with the victim. The offender was drunk. He called the victim a “fat Jewish bastard” and then threatened to damage the victim’s property.


04/06/2012 Broughton Park, Salford

A car with a female driver and young passengers, was spotted driving around a visibly Jewish area.

Each time the car passed a visibly Jewish person one of the occupants would shout abuse at the person out of the window.


04/06/2012 Highgate, London

A poster with the Queens face on has been defaced. A swastika has been drawn onto the Queens forehead as well as fangs and the words “fucking sponger”.


08/06/2012 Didsbury, Manchester

The visibly Jewish victim was walking home from Synagogue when a passing car purposely drove through a large puddle, splashing him.


10/06/2012 Plymouth, Devon

The victim is an American, Jewish, ex Soviet Union, PhD student at a University.

She feels that she is being victimised and intimidated by fellow students regarding her Jewish religion.


12/06/2012 Salford

Four females were seen throwing stones/eggs at a kosher bakery in a well known Jewish area.


12/06/2012 Sale, Cheshire

The Injured Party received a posting on her Facebook wall which read, “JEWISH WOMEN LIKE YOURSELF SHOULD BE CRUCIFIED.”

An online argument ensued between the two before the victim blocked the offender.


15/06/2012 Harrow, London

The victim was exiting a train station when he decided to top up his oyster card at the machine. As he was adding money to the card he overheard a group of people at the next machine making comments in Arabic about him. The comments included “Kallah Israeli” and “Kallah Yehudi” which the victim understood.

The victim then confronted the group asking them why they felt the need to insult him which led to a long argument to which one of the males stated “shut up and get on with your life” and “I’m referring to the problem you created in Palestine”. The victim demanded to know why the group wanted to start a political protest in the station to which he was insulted by the group and told to “shut up” and they exclaimed to a crowd of onlookers that that the victim was crazy.


15/06/2012 Didsbury, Manchester

The offender visited the home of his ex-partner and a verbal altercation ensued. The offender then assaulted his ex-partner’s new boyfriend before calling her a “money grabbing, dirty Jewish slag.”


18/06/2012 Orpington

A Jewish youth group was using the facilities of a hall and some of the Orthodox Jewish boys were seen to wind up the residents. Later that evening some of the residents came to the hall and threw potatoes at the location.

They then drew swastikas on the wall outside the location.


19/06/2012 Hale Barns, Cheshire

The victims were standing at the gate of a synagogue when a vehicle turned into the road. As it turned, the driver turned off the headlights, honked the horn and then, as it passed the victims, the occupants shouted, “dirty Jews” and “wheres your foreskin gone?”.


19/06/2012 Salford

A group of around six or seven children were reported to be riding bicycles up and down a road in a heavily populated Jewish area. They were going up to Jewish kids and shouting “dirty Jew” and “fat Jew”.


20/06/2012 Prestwich, Manchester

A visibly Jewish, 12 year old boy, was walking to school when a man walking on the other side of the road shouted “fucking hook nose Jew”.


20/06/2012 London

It was reported that a businessman has been posting antisemitic, anti Israel and anti Monarchy comments on a social networking site.            

This includes “Thinks the US should kill Benjamin Netanhayu the same way they killed Bin Laden for his ‘9/11’ activities.” and “If Iran nuclear bombs Israel surely Muslims would be killed too. Hence why Iran would never do that. Have a look at this Jewish propoganda tape. One word sums it up —–> Jews.”


21/06/2012 Newton Mearns, Glasgow

A fifteen year old Jewish pupil received antisemitic text messages, including reference to a gas chamber.


21/06/2012 Salford

Two white males, with short hair and wearing grey tracksuits were seen standing at a bus stop.

While waiting for their bus the appeared to shout something across the road to a member of the orthodox Jewish community. 


22/06/2012 Hendon, London

Two swastikas have been daubed on the ground outside a shop in a Jewish area. The swastikas are on each side of the door and are drawn in red paint.


23/06/2012 Bushey, London

A visibly Jewish couple were walking home from Synagogue, as they walked down a road a car sped past them and abuse was shouted from the window. They could not hear exactly what was shouted but heard the word “Jew”. 


27/06/2012 Salford, Manchester

The victim is a visibly Jewish woman who was walking home in a known Jewish area, when a car drove passed and the driver shouted “Jew Jew Jew” and “fucking Jew.”


27/06/2012 Brentwood, Essex

The victim works for the council and does home visits to residents houses. On one visit he was at an elderly couples house and was checking if they were eligible for the heating scheme. He started talking to the couple and asked them where they were from. They said they are from London and asked where he was from. When he answered, the wife made a comment to say the area is “full of Jews”.

The victim decided to ignore this and carry on working but the woman would not stop her abuse against Jewish people. She said “those Jews are dirty, they are like Arabs, they pull you into their shops and they are all nasty people”.          

The victim said to her “you need to be careful, if you carry on your abuse I can leave”. This stopped the woman momentarily but she then became angry and was rude to him saying he as no help.

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