Man guilty of antisemitic attack

Gateshead – A man has been found guilty to to causing racially-aggravated criminal damage after he attacked the home of a Jewish family in Gateshead.


The court heard how Tomis Mankos of Fosse Terrace, Sheriff Hill, Gateshead, threw a firework though the window of one of Mr Millers childrens bedroom on November 1st 2011.


After the hearing Mr Miller described the attack “It was a full-size firework,” he said. “It landed on a child’s bed and burned right through it. If any of the children were in that bed, it could have been very serious. It was very frightening.”


A hate filled firebomber led cops to his door after boasting of his attack on Facebook.


Tomis Mankos could have killed a young Jewish family when he hurled a firework though their bedroom window.


Gershon Miller’s 11-year-old daughter fled when Mankos threw the lit explosive into their home in Bensham, Gateshead. But after Mankos bragged about the attack on Facebook, he was caught by police.


The trainee painter and decorator admitted he targeted the house because they knew a Jewish family lived there.

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