2011 Antisemitism report in the Netherlands

Antisemitic incidents recorded in the Netherlands dropped by nine percent this year, according to the annual monitor report by the country’s watchdog on antisemitism.


The Center for Information and Documentation on Israel, or CIDI, attributed the overall drop in recorded incidents to a decrease in the amount of hate mail reported.


However, the Hague-based organization registered a sharp rise in real-life antisemitic incidents – from 31 in 2010 to 55 last year.


In total, CIDI registered 113 antisemitic incidents in 2011, compared to 124 the previous year. CIDI found 18 cases of hate mail in 2011, compared to 47 in 2010.


The organization’s records for 2011 speak of 28 people who had suffered antisemitic, non-physical abuse on the street or in the public sphere. In 2009, CIDI learned of only 20 such incidents. That year saw antisemitism incidents of all categories skyrocketing worldwide in connection with Israel’s attack on Hamas in Gaza.


“There was no comparable external cause in 2011,” the CIDI report, compiled by researcher Elise Friedmann, said. The Netherlands has a Jewish population of some 40,000 people.


In 2010, CIDI recorded nine cases of in-person antisemitic confrontations. The threefold increase in 2011 is attributable to greater awareness to the need to report such incidents, according to a press release by CIDI.


“The Dutch government has been promising since 2008 to apply an improved and more uniform system for the registration of anti-Semitic and xenophobic incidents. To date, there are no signs of this,” CIDI said.


Dutch Police do not register or flag reports of xenophobic incidents at the time of deposition. Police compile their annual hate crime report by applying a search engine to the texts of all complaints.


CIDI has called this procedure “inadequate” and called on Dutch police to implement an immediate flag system, like the one used in Britain and elsewhere. 

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